We have a Fossil World Recorder Holder in our midst....

If you haven't been over to the Facebook page in awhile, I encourage you to check it out. We've had quite a bit of activity lately from who I am calling, "Fossil's biggest fan". He has been posting pictures on Facebook of items that I had clue existed. I've gotten his permission and I'm reposting some of his pictures of his collection below. Included in the gallery is a local newspaper article in German that states Heino was or is still a World Record Holder for Fossil collectibles with over 1000 pieces in his collection! A translated version is below the images.

Highlights of the gallery for me include catalog pages of merchandise you could order from Fossil. Including a glass display gas pump! The organization of his collection is amazing and has given a few of us collectors some display ideas. More pictures are forthcoming as Heino takes more. Enjoy!

“My room is almost a little museum!“

The Guinness-book makes it official: Heino is the world biggest Fossil-Item-Collector

In the year 1995 Heino S. has discovered the brand Fossil for himself and since then he collects everything to the Texas watchmaker.

He's always been a fan of the USA of the 50s, so he came to Fossil. The Texan watch manufacturer specializes exactly to this style and now produces also sunglasses, leather goods, jewelry and clothing. In a glass case in “Dornbirner Messepark” (a shopping-center in Dornbirn, Austria) for the first time he has seen Decoration Materials of Fossil: "That appealed to me immediately." And already the passion was aroused. "By the time a lot has accumulated," admits the 26 -year-old. But by contact with Fossil Europe he realized that but still some missing him and he went specifically to look for the small and large decorative jewels. Most of his collectibles he could wheedle various shopkeepers with more or less effort.  His favorite piece, a glass case, a U.S. gas pump modeled, he was able to save from Salzburg before disposal.

About 1000 pieces

Currently contains its recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records collection more than 1000 pieces: “My room is almost a small museum" Fortunately, the company Fossil produces more and more, so there is for Heino always news to collect. So he tries via the Internet to get to the popular parts. But the fossil collectors are sown rather rare. Anyone who wants to report to exchange purposes or for interest in please contact:  fredq(@)gmx.at