Missing Fossil Defender

It finally happened....

After buying and selling 100's of watches on eBay and other forums, I have had a postal theft and I know it's a postal theft because we've had other recent incidents with packages that have been opened prior before arrival to our house. None of the prior incidents have lead me to file a complaint or be upset because nothing was stolen -- this time around however an envelope with a very rare (and not valuable) Fossil Defender DF-5003 with a black or dark blue face was nowhere to be found in the package. In fact the package arrived opened and empty.

this is what i got -- Post Office said they should never have even delivered it like this

this is what i got -- Post Office said they should never have even delivered it like this

Attention Pawn Shops, resellers or anyone else who may come across this slightly banged up Fossil Defender DF-5003 on it's way from Austin, Texas to Cleveland, Ohio --  please let me know. I'd love to use the power of the Internet and this site to find this watch because filing a complaint with the Post Office doesn't seem to go anywhere especially since insurance wasn't on the package. They offered their apologies and essentially said sometimes they employ bad eggs.

Contact me

I just want a good home.....

I just want a good home.....

We have a Fossil World Recorder Holder in our midst....

If you haven't been over to the Facebook page in awhile, I encourage you to check it out. We've had quite a bit of activity lately from who I am calling, "Fossil's biggest fan". He has been posting pictures on Facebook of items that I had clue existed. I've gotten his permission and I'm reposting some of his pictures of his collection below. Included in the gallery is a local newspaper article in German that states Heino was or is still a World Record Holder for Fossil collectibles with over 1000 pieces in his collection! A translated version is below the images.

Highlights of the gallery for me include catalog pages of merchandise you could order from Fossil. Including a glass display gas pump! The organization of his collection is amazing and has given a few of us collectors some display ideas. More pictures are forthcoming as Heino takes more. Enjoy!

“My room is almost a little museum!“

The Guinness-book makes it official: Heino is the world biggest Fossil-Item-Collector

In the year 1995 Heino S. has discovered the brand Fossil for himself and since then he collects everything to the Texas watchmaker.

He's always been a fan of the USA of the 50s, so he came to Fossil. The Texan watch manufacturer specializes exactly to this style and now produces also sunglasses, leather goods, jewelry and clothing. In a glass case in “Dornbirner Messepark” (a shopping-center in Dornbirn, Austria) for the first time he has seen Decoration Materials of Fossil: "That appealed to me immediately." And already the passion was aroused. "By the time a lot has accumulated," admits the 26 -year-old. But by contact with Fossil Europe he realized that but still some missing him and he went specifically to look for the small and large decorative jewels. Most of his collectibles he could wheedle various shopkeepers with more or less effort.  His favorite piece, a glass case, a U.S. gas pump modeled, he was able to save from Salzburg before disposal.

About 1000 pieces

Currently contains its recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records collection more than 1000 pieces: “My room is almost a small museum" Fortunately, the company Fossil produces more and more, so there is for Heino always news to collect. So he tries via the Internet to get to the popular parts. But the fossil collectors are sown rather rare. Anyone who wants to report to exchange purposes or for interest in please contact:  fredq(@)gmx.at

Some well needed updates and new Fossil Limited Edition Checklist

First of all, Happy Autumn! It's been a busy few months and I want to thank some of you for reaching out to me -- great to see passion and interest with our little site and also being envious of some of your finds. I've been going through my Fossil stuff and created a list of topics to talk about and I WILL be more active on the site, forum and Facebook page during the fall and winter months. Once the weather turns here in the great Northeast, the bikes, the kids toys and my 1958 Chevy go into storage and we begin the hibernation process until April. It's really a great time of year (until it snows).

Anyways onto the updates.

I've updated the Fossil Defender guide with some recent additions from eBay and my personal collection. You'll find more recent pricing and some additional models that I had no clue existed. I've recently picked up a few Defenders on eBay that I'll be posting about soon. One of the Defenders DF-2001 has all the paperwork, manual, felt box and a nice little pillow. I've been after this one for years!

The forum. The discussion forum doesn't get a whole lot of traffic and I am going to start posting and encouraging more conversations there. A long time collector emailed me some pics of his massive collection that is for sale and I'm in process now of gathering up the images and listing out the pricing. I encourage you to do the same. As much as I love eBay, I hate the fee structure and dealing with 0 feedback bidders, so if we could buy/sell/trade watches in the forum it's a great example of a community and it's free. Go for it! Also a great place for general conversations especially if you don't use Facebook.

Limited Edition Checklist. An ex-Fossil employee met up with us on Facebook and one of his first orders of business was to update the checklist. I admit the original one I had on there was just a copy of a checklist I found in some old Fossil literature. It could be a full-time job to update this checklist because of the massive amount of Limited Editions out there! Our new friend has done the hard work and here's your new updated checklist!

New Fossil Limited Edition Check List

Finally just a reminder that there is a Facebook group out there for Fossil Collectors. There is a bit more activity on there and more day to day type of posts. I've gotten a few emails from people saying they aren't on Facebook and not to focus on it, I get that, but if you are on Facebook please consider joining our group and adding to the discussions.

Happy Collecting!

Fossil Flight Collection Video

Here's a video posted on Fossil’s Facebook and YouTube channels that I can really get behind around regarding their Fossil Flight Collection. Be cooler if the watches were Fossil Defenders from the 90's, but very well done video that embodies that aviation spirit we love!

Updated Facebook Group for Fossil Collector's Club

Yes the posts have been relaxed lately, but the action doesn't have to stop here because I'm lazy and enjoying summer. The Facebook group has been updated to the new version of their groups tool. It looks great and people can finally be added again. Currently I'm organizing pictures on there to be in albums. Please feel free to keep the conversations going and post pictures in there as well. I'd love to see what everyone has! This Facebook group is for all of us to enjoy.

I'm working on a few posts for the site here on my new Dick Tracy Watch, 2 new Defenders I picked up and some random advertising pieces I've gotten a hold of this summer. Looking forward to more posts in the fall when the days are shorter and it's too cold for me to enjoy the great outdoors!

Facebook Group - Fossil Watch Collectors Club

Fossil Collectors Club Flickr Group

Recently I created a Flickr group for the Fossil Collectors Club. I am not a big fan of Flickr, but it's the best photo gallery site out there that allows for groups and tagging. Currently we only have 13 photos out there. Let's fill it up with all your Fossil items. If you don't know how to use Flickr, leave a comment here and we'll get back to you.

Check out the Flickr group and add some photos!


Also we are on Facebook.


1995 Fossil Collector’s Club brochure

I’ve posted pictures of each page in our Facebook group, Fossil Watch Collectors Club -- so check it out and signup to join the cause. This brochure gave me some great information on limited edition runs with pictures. After seeing a close-up picture of the limited edition watch for 1995, I'm ready to make a purchase of the entire kit.

Fossil Watch Collectors Club on Facebook

I have created my first Facebook group entitled, "Fossil Watch Collectors Club" I was never a member of the official club that lasted thru the 90's, but I always thought it was a great idea and no better company than Fossil to have one. Fossil's products are unique and after 26 years in business there are some diehard fans out there, I being one of them. The collector's club was a unique offering and there were some great products that only club members received along with nifty newsletters. You can read more about it in the Facebook group.

Goal is to build awareness that there are some fans out there and hopefully Fossil takes notice. Expect minimal updates and emails from the group as it is just a cause to bring back the official club in one form or another. If you find things of interest or have items from the club feel free to post them there.

Looking forward to seeing what's out there. Click the logo to go to the Facebook group and join the cause!